Cisco Digital Learning Data Center bundle allows you to buy all Cisco Data Center E-learning courses as one package and gives you an unlimited access to all of them for 12 months. It offers a subscription to all Cisco’s online data center training, including certifications, products and technologies. This comprehensive technical training library includes full-length, interactive certification courses, additional product and technology training with labs, and thousands of reference materials. The Data Center library is updated on a regular basis to reflect new training releases and revised versions of existing courses.
Cisco data center product training, including Applications Centric Infrastructure (ACI), Nexus and Unified Computing System (UCS) is included along with the below certification courses:
Cisco Digital Learning Data Center bundle should enable you to:
Accelerate in-house expertise by building, validating, and reinforcing your organization’s knowledge of data center infrastructures.
Reduce unplanned downtime with a highly trained workforce
Increase your team’s ability to deploy and support data center infrastructures to enable your digital transformation
Support data cneter infrastructure career paths for your team with access to Cisco data center certification courses
Optimize your training investment and increase the ROI of your data center infrastructure
Target Audience
Network architect
Network administrators
Network engineers
Network designers
Network managers
Course Prerequisites
The following prerequisites are recommended:
Each certification course will have its own recommended prerequisite, however much of the content is designed to work in break/fix scenarios for which a certain level of knowledge is required.